Arne nodded in agreement. "Of course, Sir Bar. Let me see now . . . " Arne thought for awhile on the warriors they had with their people, and took a quick tally on the equipment they had taken from the Saxons. "Yes . . . yes, I believe we can bring forty-five to Sarum in the spring, with Valka and I in that number." Arne hesitated, then grinned. "If Valka wishes to accompany us, that is. I am very happy to say that she is with child, and is expecting in the springtime! As for equipment . . . hmm, we took enough weapons and armor from the Saxons to provide for . . . twenty warriors? Yes, twenty. Valka and I have our own, so we would need to equip the others."
Arne thought for a moment, then smiled. "Sir Bar, would you have time to honor us by being our guest for at least a few hours? In that time, Valka, Holmg?r?r and I could easily find out what kind of equipment our warriors would need. If we could ask for your counsel, I think that we could also find out how much it would all cost, and the best place to buy it all."