Author Topic: Conference with the Earl  (Read 2521 times)

GM Craig

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Conference with the Earl
« on: November 13, 2015, 06:57:43 PM »
War in southern Caercolun

In the east, the Saxons are enslaving as many Britons as they can, killing everyone who tries to run away. The British army goes ready for skirmishing all summer. Yet there are more Saxons than Britons, and when Duke Lucius comes out with his army, the enemy gathers quickly and battle is met. Near Ipswich, the duke is  ambushed and killed, though much of his army escapes northward.

The king sends Sir Brastias to settle the area; Brastias rallies the army and the Saxons stop advancing. Afterwards, Brastias reports of victories, but everyone knows that nothing of strategic significance has occurred. More refugees find their way to Silchester, and some as far as Salisbury.

Things are not going well for the Cymru their struggle against the Saxons. Early in the winter, the Earl summons all his knights to a meeting in Sarum. They are to come girded for battle, with their best horse. No followers or retinues, just the knights. In the great hall, he shares plans for the coming campaign. This is exceptional - this is not a meeting of the senior knights and the leaders of Roderick's forces. He has called a conference of all his knights, landed or not. Everyone has a seat at these tables, with no regard for rank or position.

"My knights. Be aware that we are at war. Now is not the time for poetry, dancing and song. Turn your attentions to more martial pursuits. Our defeat at Caercolun is a serious setback. True, Salisbury made it out of that defeat with few losses, thanks be to God. But it was a defeat. We are stalled, my knights - worse, we are losing ground. We must embrace the martial parts of our spirit if we are even to hold our own against the Saxons, let alone drive them from our shores. As we feast this Christmas, there are many Britons who are now slaves under the Saxon yoke and lash. Remember their suffering. Our failures must not continue! If we do not find it without ourselves to face the enemy with all our might, we all may be struggling under the yoke and the lash in the future. Understand me - we are losing this war. We may well find we are fighting in Salisbury next season. When you are home, prepare your lands to face that possibility."

Setting the example, Earl Roderick makes a gift of a Charger to any knight who does not already have one. He personally inspects the equipment of each knight. Those lacking sufficient armour or weapons are given them [Rodric and Cedwyn do not qualify.] The knights are then sent home to prepare their lands for defence.