Okay, so here's my rough draft for expected expenses. I will definitely welcome suggestions . . .
Total warriors available: 43 (doesn't include Arne, Valka or the veteran staying behind to watch the home front)
Total arms/armor available: 19 sets (one set given to veteran staying behind)
Veteran warriors: 6
Young warriors: 8
"Others": 29
Veteran warriors (6):
Rouncies (6): 200 d. each = 1,200 d. total
Basic tack and harness (6): 16 d. each = 96 d. total
Arms/armor (6): taken from Saxons (no cost)
Young warriors (6):
Arms/armor (6): taken from Saxons (no cost)
Young warrior aides (2):
Arms/armor (2): taken from Saxons (no cost)
Rouncies (2): 200 d. each = 400 d. total
Basic tack and harness (2): 16 d. each = 32 d. total
"Others" (29):
Arms/armor (5): taken from Saxons (no cost):
Hard leather armor (24): 60 d. each = 1,440 d. total
Common shield (24): 3 d. each = 72 d. total
Spear (24): 1 d. each = 24 d. total
Axe (24): 25 d. each = 600 d. total
Dagger (24): 5 d. each = 120 d. total
Total cost: 3,984 d (or 16 ? and 32 s.)