Player | Result | Enemy Result | Enemy |
Rodric | Fumble (20>15) | Succes (2<=13) | Saxon Axeman #1 |
| | Success (3<= 8 ) | Saxon Axeman #2 |
Cedwyn | Success (13<=15) | Success (5<=13) | Saxon Axeman #3 |
Rodric draws his sword and tries to take a swing, but his grip isn't set yet and the sword flies from his grasp, to land on the turn a couple of yards away. The axeman swings the great axe, and hits Rodrick a solid blow, doing 12 Damage (20-8 for armour - fail means no shield). [Note: the unmitigated damage was greater than his SIZ, but less than 2x his SIZ, so a horsemanship check is required to stay in the saddle]. Rodric wavers, but managed to stay in the saddle. Then the other warrior draws a knife and lunges at Rodric. He hits, doing 10 damage (18-8 for armour, no shield on a fumble). The warrior tries to haul Rodric down, but cannot find purchase on his armour.
Cedwyn takes a swing at his opponent, and scores a hit. He does 13 damage (25-8 for armour), the blow sends the axeman sprawling to the ground, and does not get back up. He lives still, but the force of the blow rendered him senseless.
Cedwyn can charge one of Rodric's opponents.
Rodric: 15%
Cedwyn: 64%
Axeman #1: 33%
Axeman #2: 39%, armed with a dagger
Axeman #3: 28%, major wound (unconscious)