Player | Result | Enemy Result | Enemy |
Rodric | Success (8<=20) | Failure (15>14) | Saxon Shield Warrior #1 |
Cedwyn | Success (1<=20) | Success (5<=14) | Saxon Shield Warrior #2 |
Rodric makes a successful charge, and slips his spear past the Saxon's shield, doing (16-8 for armour) 8 damage. The Saxon is wounded, but still on his feet.
Cedwyn breaks into a charge as well, but the Saxon is too quick for him. Cedwyn manages to get his shield in place to help protect from the blow, taking (19-8 for armour -6 for shield) 5 damage. The blow shakes Cedwyn a little, but he manages to stay in the saddle.
You guys are now closed with your opponents. You can withdraw to try another charge, or attack with spear from horseback.
Rodric: 19%
Cedwyn: 46%