The weather was not kind in Falt. Lady Habren gave it her all, but events conspired against here, and the harvest was thin. The apiary and dovecote were completed, which helped offset the poor harvest. But the harvest is not everything, and Lady Habren welcomes her husband home with affection. So what if the cushions are a little threadbare and the meals sometimes come late - the house is full of love.
Then, in the early fall, there is glorious news - the Lady Habren is with child!
She does not bear up well and in short order is having trouble attending to her duties, and begins to rely more and more on her lady. She is ill for half a day every day, and often ill for days at a time. Still, some days she manages a respite in the evening, and you see her smiling and doing what she can. She very quickly becomes very large, however, and even the act of walking becomes a labour for her.
But all is not joy and anticipation. The loyal Suger becomes gravely ill with a fever. He dies shortly after the new year.
In the late spring, the Lady Habren - barely able to walk any longed - goes into labour. Then, the source of Habren's discomfort is revealed, as Sir Rodric finds himself the very surprised father of twin boys. The arrival of an heir overshadows any other family news, as the clan celebrates the continuation of the family line.