Passions are particularly vulnerable to reduction.When a character acts against a passion, no check is assigned — instead, the Gamemaster simply instructs theplayer to reduce the value of the passion by 1 point immediately. Also, any failed passion roll causes the characterto lose 1 point.
MODIFIERSModifiers to all statistics may be applied by the Gamemaster whenever they are useful or “realistic.” The Gamemaster should be consistent in applying these to both Gamemaster and player characters.Modifiers are always added to or subtracted from the character’s statistic values, not to the roll itself. However, values modified to 21 or higher increase the die roll. (See “Values Greater Than 20.”)Modifier Situation+/– 5 Standard modifi er (used for most situations)+/– 10 Strong modifi er (for dramatic situations)+/– 15 Extreme modifi er (for spectacular situations)